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Butterfly on a Flower


The Full Story

Ever since Beth was a little girl, she has been able to see aura colors, energy and communicate with Spirit. Now as an adult, she shares her gift with thousands of people. 


Beth Montgomery is an experienced aura/energy reader, psychic intuitive, intuitive tarot reader, and NUSHU Group facilitator. Beth has honed her skills to help clients understand their energy fields, uncover hidden emotions, and tap into their intuition. She has a natural gift for reading auras and energies, which allows her to connect with clients on a deeper level and provide insightful guidance.


In addition to her aura/energy reading and psychic intuitive work, Beth is also an intuitive tarot reader. Using her intuitive abilities and her knowledge of tarot symbolism, she helps clients gain clarity and insight into their past, present, and future. Beth's readings are always compassionate, empowering, and non-judgmental.


As a NUSHU Group facilitator, Beth creates a safe and supportive space for all to explore their inner selves, connect with their intuition, and tap into their inner wisdom and power. She leads workshops and group sessions that focus on developing intuition, working with energy, and exploring spiritual practices.

Beth is passionate about helping people connect with their higher selves, uncover their innate gifts and abilities, and live a more authentic and fulfilling life. Her compassionate and empowering approach to spirit and divination has helped countless clients find clarity, healing, and transformation.

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